Business Member Directory

Barely *A* Sheep Ranch
Lorna is a member of a fifth-generation Park County ranching family, residing on the flats of Mill Creek in the heart of Paradise Valley. She now resides and raises a small flock of Columbia-Lincoln cross sheep. The sheep she raises provides locals with farm-to-fork fresh lamb and a portion of the wool goes to a mill that specializes in weaving cloth for Renaissance re-enactors.

Blaine View Farm & Fiber Mill
A new fiber processing mill in Kalsipell, MT! We have our own flock of Leicester Longwool sheep, which are a threatened breed

Copia Cove
Located in Butte (Southwest), Montana.
Offering Icelandic sheep wool and pelt products, direct from the farmer, in our online SHOP. And specialize in registered and unregistered Icelandic Sheep breeding stock!
Raw fleece, yarn, roving, batting, felted fleece rugs, wet felted lighting and accessories, sheepskin home decor, woven rugs GIFTS, and Skinnfell (the ancient Norwegian folk art of ink printing on sheepskins)!

Crazy Head Creek Farms
We raise Huacaya alpacas on our family farm in the beautiful Shields Valley, north of Livingston, Montana. We offer quality yarn, handmade products, and unique alpaca-themed gifts.

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Fox Farm Homestead
Angela Tollerson runs Fox Farm Homestead and raises

Harvest Calling Farms
Gotland Sheep. Raw Wool, Yarn, Roving, and tanned hides. Missoula, Montana

Hoof & Paw Farm
We are a small farm focusing on Icelandic, BFL, and Painted Desert sheep. We shear, skirt, card, and spin the wool.
Helena, Montana

IND Hemp
Hemp straw is cleaned and separated through the decortication process. The stalk’s outer sleeve becomes hemp bast fiber and the woody inner core is hemp hurd, cleaned & size classified.
Kolin Ranch Fiber Arts
Rambouillet and Teeswater wool available by the pound, in roving or worsted two ply yarn. We also produce woolen items. Moccasin, Montana

Little Creek Lamb & Beef
Premium, regeneratively raised meats, artisanal ranch goods, and immersive events in Broadwater County, Montana

Mee & Ewe Fiber and Yarn at Everett Ranch
She is the Shepherdess who breeds, raises and produces fine Targhee/ Targhee-Merino fibers in the Bitterroot Valley. Combed top and yarns available for handspinners, knitters and weavers. Stevensville MT

Painted KC Ranch
Painted KC Ranch is a small yak ranch located near Anaconda, Montana

Red Ryder Llamas & Alpacas
Providing Llama experiences, stock, llama "beans" for fertilizer, and Alpaca fiber.

Shepherd's Gulch
Natural colored Rambouillet wool and wool products. Helena Montana

Steitzhof Merino
Producing high quality fleeces for hand spinners, as well as yarns and roving for fiber artists. Breeding stock of the finest genetics available each fall.

Unicorn Fluff Designs
Fiber artist who sells products using Montana grown fibers. Handspun and hand painted yarns and hand woven or hand knitted clothing and home goods
Kalispell, Montana