Summer is heating up, and so is excitement for the Montana Fibershed Farm-to-Fashion Show! When we talk to people about the concept of the show, the most common response is “Wow! That is so cool!!!” Yes it is, and I hope you are planning to be a part of it!
We have pushed the entry deadline back to August 1st, realizing that we didn’t need to have the entry forms quite so early, and also that some folks are still thinking about their part in this fashion show adventure. There are a few questions that keep coming up. I’ve tried to answer them here to the best of my ability here:

FAQ #1: Does my garment have to be all Montana fiber?
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: Your garment should have some Montana fiber, but a mix of fibers is fine. Part of the story of your creation will be any difficulty you may have had in sourcing Montana fiber. One of the goals of Montana Fibershed is helping fiber producers and users connect with each other. It’s a journey!
FAQ#2: Is the show juried?
Answer: Nope. All are welcome!
FAQ#3: Is there an age limit?
Answer: Again, no! Kids of all ages (0 – 100) are most welcome!
FAQ#4: Can
I enter my rug?
Answer: Sorry, not in this show. It’s a fashion show! Strut your wearables!
FAQ#5: Are there prizes?
Answer: You betcha! You’re gonna want to be in this!
FAQ#6: I am way too shy to walk across a runway….
Not exactly a question, but we hear you. Not to worry! We have volunteer models who will LOVE to walk the runway for you!
FAQ#7: What if someone judges me for not using enough pure Montana fiber?
Short answer: No judging allowed.
Longer answer: We are all in this boat together, friends! We all want to promote Montana fiber for so many reasons: healthy local economies, healthy people wearing natural fibers, healthy soils and planet using regenerative practices! Yes, we all want this, but it is a journey. I WISH every garment in my closet was made of Montana fiber. Ha. That is far from the reality. But Montana Fibershed is not about perfection, it’s about the process. I am attempting to take baby steps toward sustainability, but it is a journey. And we are all on this wonderful journey together!
If I’ve missed any other questions you have, please send an email attention to Barb. I want to answer all your questions, and to see you in Bozeman on October 23!!
All the best,
Barb French