With the Montana Farm-to-Fashion Event coming up quickly, we are getting very excited about the show admissions as well as the vendor line up and everything in between. All submissions are Montana Fibers and fit within our criteria and mission. “We are a grassroots, non-profit organization that supports Montana-based natural fiber and dye systems. We seek to connect producers to end users of fiber, to encourage new and strengthen existing textile manufacturing systems in Montana, and to do so in regenerative and sustainable ways that support the health of our people, our soils, and the landscapes and economies that sustain us.”
The Oct 8 event is a full day of listening, learning, viewing and, of course, touching. What is a fiber event without all of the feels? Vendor booths open at 9 am in the ballroom at the Emerson Cultural Center in Bozeman. We have vendors coming from all across the state to sell their many and varied items. Everything from locks of wool to the finished products will be available for purchase. This will allow you to see all of the many and varied products available in this great state and be able to own some for yourself. We have some spaces left if you fit the Montana Fiber criteria. Inquiries can be sent to montanafibershed@gmail.com and forms are on our website.
Various informational events are slated throughout the day. Stop in from 10-2 for all kinds of demos on the North lawn, weather permitting. Many of the vendors inside often have their wheels spinning and there will be information booths inside as well.
The topic of a panel discussion, in the theater at 2 pm, “A Snapshot of now: Montana Fiber and Textiles in 2022” will include a Q&A period.
The Farm-to-Fiber Fashion show is bursting at the seams with gorgeous items all made with Montana Fibers. It starts at 4 pm and will also be held in the theater. A no-host bar will be available with time to chat with the participants following.

I could write an entire short story behind this photo, but I will try to make it brief. In thinking about what sort of photo I should use for this post, this beautiful hand-woven piece of cloth came to mind. Although it was woven in Maine, the wool comes from a Montana sheep dairy and was processed here as well. Emily Hartman of Mrs. Hatrman's Farmhouse Market had the forethought and inspiration to create this yarn and these beautiful colors while she was in the process of a major life change and move across the US. Letting nothing stand in her way, she set about a plan of making this line of yarn. It is living proof that fiber keeps us going, keeps us grounded and keeps us connected in so many ways. The pattern and colors are as varied as we all are and yet they come together so well.
Please come and enrich your life with the life that fiber brings to ours.
We hope to see you there for a fiber fun-filled day!
LaVonne Stucky, Board Member